Friday, October 4, 2013

Day three:  left the hotel and started for Le Claire to visit the Garners. Arrived just in time for lunch with his whole family. While the Cobra and Cad were snuggled away out of the whether Mike loaded us all up a truck,combine, and tractor to start the harvest of corn. The combine is huge and it was not long before Steve was behind the wheel.  Man what a ball.  The equipment is very efficient and soon the bin was brimming with corn kernels. The husks and chaff was spewing out the back Shute. Loved we very minute of it. We picked up Gil at the airport and headed back to the farm for more visiting, drinks, and some terrific steaks. But not before Mike got behind the wheel of the Cobra. It might take a few days for the smile to fade from his face.  As the song says "he let them horses sing".

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