Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 4...David, Gil, Steve and Renie left Davenport, Iowa a about 10 am.  We made a stop at Antique Archelogy (American Pickers) to take a look around.  Pretty amazing stuff.  Left Le Claire for Joliet, Illinois to find Rt. 66.  Finding the route was challenging, but with a couple of GPS we found our way.  We started the adventure at the Route 66 Raceway, and of course Chicagoland raceway is right across the street so we took the opportunity to take a look.  Steve fought the urge to drive a cup car and we continued on our way.  In Wilmington we cruised by the Launching Pad Drive-In and the Gemini Giant.  The drive-in is closed but the giant is still there.  We stopped in Braidwood for lunch at the Polk-A-Dot Drive-In for lunch.  As we cruised through Godley we spotted a couple of Burma Shave Signs.  Our next stops was in Dwight at the Ambler/Becker Texaco Station, a 1933 historic filling station.  It is the longest running station on Rt. 66 .  It dispensed fuel for 66 continuous years.  In Dwight we also drove past the First National Bank of Dwight, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and constructed in 1905.  This was a highlight for David!!  Our next stop was Pontiac-Oakland Automobile Museum, of course located in Pontiac.  At the museum were very cool vehicles, but we were disappointed that they didn't have our Smokey and the Bandit 1979 Black Trans Am.  We took in the Route 66 Hall of Fame and Museum, got back in our cars and headed toward Bloomington.  We continued on to Atlanta where we checked into the Atlanta Rt. 66 Landmark Hotel for the night.  We had dinner at a local diner and discovered it was the local car clubs meeting night so we had lots of people admiring our rides and a fish fry for dinner.  It was a good day and we were ready to call it a night.

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